On June 5, at 19 weeks, John and I had our bi-weekly appointment to monitor my pregnancy and we discovered some startling news. The length of my cervix, holding the babies in my uterus, had started to shorten at a significant pace. My measurement two weeks prior was ~8 cm = exactly average. My measurement this day was 2.8 cm (which is average at ~30 weeks), while the doctor was expecting at least 6 cm. Once the cervix "shortens" all the way, it is open and begins to dilate (open wider) in preparation for birth.
To avoid going into preterm labor, the doctor put me on strict home bed rest. I have to lie nearly flat on my back or side the entire day (can’t sit up more than 45 degrees) and am limited to no more than 15-20 minutes of getting up a day (only to use the restroom and shower). At my June 26 visit, my cervix had shortened to 2.4 but I was told that wasn't enough to warrant hospitalized bed rest (thank God). I've been on bed rest now for over three weeks and am "stabilized."
I'm not bored in the least. I stay busy by catching/keeping up with friends and family members (I used to be too much of a workaholic to make time); organizing addresses/emails/phone numbers/birthdays in Excel; creating a pregnancy calendar with doctor appointments, pregnancy milestones, and family/friend visits; registering for baby stuff; reading the Bible and other books; listening to online sermons; watching labor & delivery shows on Discovery Health (scary but in a way relieving to know you’re not the only one with a difficult pregnancy); and crossword puzzles. Our parents come up every other weekend to help clean, grocery shop and cook. They cook enough food to get us by until the next one visits. Friends also visit at lunch or in the evenings. The worst part for me is not being able to exercise, or even just walk around.
To avoid going into preterm labor, the doctor put me on strict home bed rest. I have to lie nearly flat on my back or side the entire day (can’t sit up more than 45 degrees) and am limited to no more than 15-20 minutes of getting up a day (only to use the restroom and shower). At my June 26 visit, my cervix had shortened to 2.4 but I was told that wasn't enough to warrant hospitalized bed rest (thank God). I've been on bed rest now for over three weeks and am "stabilized."
I'm not bored in the least. I stay busy by catching/keeping up with friends and family members (I used to be too much of a workaholic to make time); organizing addresses/emails/phone numbers/birthdays in Excel; creating a pregnancy calendar with doctor appointments, pregnancy milestones, and family/friend visits; registering for baby stuff; reading the Bible and other books; listening to online sermons; watching labor & delivery shows on Discovery Health (scary but in a way relieving to know you’re not the only one with a difficult pregnancy); and crossword puzzles. Our parents come up every other weekend to help clean, grocery shop and cook. They cook enough food to get us by until the next one visits. Friends also visit at lunch or in the evenings. The worst part for me is not being able to exercise, or even just walk around.
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