Monday, August 25, 2008

31 Weeks

John and I had a great visit with his dad and Cheryl from Louisiana this past weekend. It was pretty laid back but still productive. While I laid around as usual, the two Johns and Cheryl scurried around town picking up stuff for the nursery, grocery shopping, and grabbing take out from places I haven’t had since going on bed rest. It was a real treat! We watched some movies… “Blue Streak” (1976) with Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor, and something else I can’t remember. We started to watch “Next” with Adam Sandler about a man who loses his wife and children in one of the 9/11 plane crashes, but our TiVo started to record two other shows and we had to quit. I’ve since TiVo’ed it again and look forward to watching the whole thing.

Cheryl & John

31 Weeks

John finished painting the nursery before they came, so his next endeavor will be to paint our bedroom, which is the last room of the house that hasn’t been painted yet. After that, he’ll arrange nursery furniture and we’ll await the birth of James Paul and Lauren Elizabeth. Yep, you read that correctly… those are the names we’ve picked out! “James” is after John’s uncle who passed away years ago due to pancreatic cancer; “Paul” is after my grandfather and father. “Lauren” and “Elizabeth” are just two names we love. Apparently John has had a couple of girlfriends named Lauren but since they weren’t psychos and he’s not still in love with them, I figured why not.

On Sunday, my friend Kami dropped in for a visit and also to loan me a couple of books from the Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series. She’s heard many great things about these young adult novels from people of all ages and is now hooked on them herself. I plan to start reading “Twilight” this afternoon. Our pooch, Cody, wore himself out loving on Kami the whole time she was here. In the shot below, his tongue is hanging out the left side of his mouth while he lets Kami pet him.

Kami & Cody

1 comment:

Gulley Gang said...

Hey there, so wonderful to see the new blog. I was so worried when I got John's email about you being hospitalized. I just knew James and Lauren were coming out. Thank goodness they are still cozy inside your belly. Love the shot of you and John pregnant together, hee hee! Be sure and post pictures of the nursery when he's all finished. Can't wait to see it! Love you so much girlie!